My parents are scheduled to come to the West Coast in October, arriving a week before I turn 30. Their plan is to stay in SF for the first few days, and then go to LA for the last few days, flying back to NY on my birthday. Of course, since my dad got laid off the whole thing is up in the air right now, but I'm worrying based on the assumption they'll wind up coming here.
A few months ago, I told my parents that I have a lot of issues with myself, with them, and with our relationship that I'd like to work out. Towards that end, if I paid for it, and found a therapist they respected (credentials-wise) would they come to therapy with me while they're out here. I figure I would pay about $100 per hour for a day or 4 hours of therapy. One 55 minute session would just not get us anywhere, and because we live on opposite coasts, therapy would have to be like a full-day seminar.
Basically, my parents said no. Fuckers. What they actually said was "let's wait and see how things are then." They are arriving late on a Sunday night. They have not asked, and I have not made plans, to take off any time from work. So the earliest we'd possibly see each other would be a Monday night. On a Monday night or Tuesday morning, they'd first be saying "Okay, clearly our relationship DOES need help; fire up the therapy." They're leaving for LA either Wednesday night or Thursday morning, which means I'd have about 36 hours to find a therapist who could see us on VERY short notice, and to try to get time off from work. Impossible. Which is why I translated their "wait and see" bullshit answer into a big fat no.
In my family we're very big on "If you have nothing nice to say, just keep your mouth shut." I have nothing nice to say. I think I could get through a meal with my father in the safety of the public eye, which would only be mildly strained. I am not sure about my mother. Really, we need some damn help.
I was talking with my brother today about this, and he said flat out that it's weird they'll be on the West Coast for my birthday, but in LA with him rather than in SF with me. Granted, apparently it's because cheaper plane tickets were factored in, but still. Whatever. I'm not big into my birthday anyway, especially since there'll be no Carvel crunchy cake to be had. I'm not upset or anything. It's just weird.
My brother encouraged me to tell our parents that if they won't go to therapy with me, that I don't want to see them. I said that I don't want to be one of those people who gives ultimatums. I'm not like that. He said it's not forever, it's just for this upcoming visit, and we can deal with each visit as needed. He also suggested starting with asking my dad again about the therapy, rather than my mom. My mom who told my brother she was finished with me, yet sent me an e-mail on Sunday asking why I didn't try to talk with her when I called their house to wish my dad a happy father's day. Oy to the vey. Why would I want to talk with someone who said she wants nothing to do with me? Never mind that I'm not supposed to know that, and never mind all my not wanting much to do with her these days.
I don't know how I feel about this. Does anyone else know how I feel about this? I don't think they'll take nicely to being given an ultimatum. I'm working out how I'd word it to my father. But still, he's a bottom line kind of guy.
Karen_S, I know you're going to say I should go to therapy on my own, without them, regardless of whether they'll go with me. I still am not going, but your advice is still rolling around my head. I feel like there's so much therapizing I'm doing on my own, that I'd rather wait and go to therapy after I've done all I can for myself, you know?
A few months ago, I told my parents that I have a lot of issues with myself, with them, and with our relationship that I'd like to work out. Towards that end, if I paid for it, and found a therapist they respected (credentials-wise) would they come to therapy with me while they're out here. I figure I would pay about $100 per hour for a day or 4 hours of therapy. One 55 minute session would just not get us anywhere, and because we live on opposite coasts, therapy would have to be like a full-day seminar.
Basically, my parents said no. Fuckers. What they actually said was "let's wait and see how things are then." They are arriving late on a Sunday night. They have not asked, and I have not made plans, to take off any time from work. So the earliest we'd possibly see each other would be a Monday night. On a Monday night or Tuesday morning, they'd first be saying "Okay, clearly our relationship DOES need help; fire up the therapy." They're leaving for LA either Wednesday night or Thursday morning, which means I'd have about 36 hours to find a therapist who could see us on VERY short notice, and to try to get time off from work. Impossible. Which is why I translated their "wait and see" bullshit answer into a big fat no.
In my family we're very big on "If you have nothing nice to say, just keep your mouth shut." I have nothing nice to say. I think I could get through a meal with my father in the safety of the public eye, which would only be mildly strained. I am not sure about my mother. Really, we need some damn help.
I was talking with my brother today about this, and he said flat out that it's weird they'll be on the West Coast for my birthday, but in LA with him rather than in SF with me. Granted, apparently it's because cheaper plane tickets were factored in, but still. Whatever. I'm not big into my birthday anyway, especially since there'll be no Carvel crunchy cake to be had. I'm not upset or anything. It's just weird.
My brother encouraged me to tell our parents that if they won't go to therapy with me, that I don't want to see them. I said that I don't want to be one of those people who gives ultimatums. I'm not like that. He said it's not forever, it's just for this upcoming visit, and we can deal with each visit as needed. He also suggested starting with asking my dad again about the therapy, rather than my mom. My mom who told my brother she was finished with me, yet sent me an e-mail on Sunday asking why I didn't try to talk with her when I called their house to wish my dad a happy father's day. Oy to the vey. Why would I want to talk with someone who said she wants nothing to do with me? Never mind that I'm not supposed to know that, and never mind all my not wanting much to do with her these days.
I don't know how I feel about this. Does anyone else know how I feel about this? I don't think they'll take nicely to being given an ultimatum. I'm working out how I'd word it to my father. But still, he's a bottom line kind of guy.
Karen_S, I know you're going to say I should go to therapy on my own, without them, regardless of whether they'll go with me. I still am not going, but your advice is still rolling around my head. I feel like there's so much therapizing I'm doing on my own, that I'd rather wait and go to therapy after I've done all I can for myself, you know?
At 6/21/2006 8:22 PM,
anne said…
I hear you on the ultimatums. My brother is living with us right now and I'm glad for it. But he doesn't pay rent. And for quite some time he hasn't been able to. Jobs didn't work out quite right, then he went through bankruptcy, etc. I don't want to get to the ultimatum point, because I know he feels as though everyone else in his life has let him down and I want to at least be there for him. But I'm not doing him any favors by letting him get away without any responsibility, right?
I agree with your oy to the very. Good luck with the parentals. I'll be thinking about you. When my father and his girlfriend (?) came to visit all I thought about was how relieved I would be when they were gone.
At 6/22/2006 6:21 AM,
M.Amanda said…
Geez, I wish I had something good, helpful to say. I'm not know for my decisive action. Ultimatums are risky in my opinion. Sounds like they could use some pressure, though.
Be strong - "Mom and Dad, this is important to me. I need this, and I need you to support me in this. I would rather you were involved, but you ignoring the issues won't stop me from addressing them. You can either go to therapy with me and show how much you care about my well-being, or you can hear about it afterwards."
Not that I'd have the nerve to say any of that, but you may be a stronger personality than I am.
At 6/22/2006 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
is it even possible to get and appt? I thought it takes months. I know I made one and it was for 7 weeks away. I was all better by the time it came around.
geez, i wish you didnt have to deal with this. Thats about all I got.
and a HUG.
At 6/22/2006 6:04 PM,
Plain(s)feminist said…
Having BTDT, to some extent, if I were in your shoes I would focus on getting a therapist for myself (because you will not find anyone worth their salt who will take you on the basis that you describe). Once I had a therapist, I would ask my parents each to come with me for one visit - not together. A therapist cannot do anything effective in four days. It needs to be an ongoing process and it needs to be about you and how you feel, and the parental visits are icing on the cake that will help your therapist work with you, but a therapist can't counsel you and your parents unless you all are going regularly together.
(Can you tell that my family is a big therapy family (both in terms of profession and in terms of seeing them)?)
And no, I wouldn't do the ultimatum myself, but I would ask why they are going to be on the west coast and not with me on my birthday. Maybe that will convince them that there are problems they need to deal with. And also - I think they will eventually come around to therapy, but it might take a while.
At 6/23/2006 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
my suggestion: make an appointment. what's the cancellation policy - 24 hours? 48? you could make an appointment for that tuesday or wednesday, and start talking with your dad about it now. possibly the counselor him/herself could call your parents and "get some preliminaries out of the way" (ie, make them feel comfortable and also like it's a given that they'll be going). IF they show up and say that they absolutely don't want to go, then you can still cancel. and at least that would make them have to talk about it. as things currently stand, they'll very comfortably avoid the whole issue.
you don't have to give them an ultimatum, but i think you ARE letting everybody off the hook way too easily here. if this is something you're convinced you guys really need, then you should do something to make it more likely to happen.
let me know if you want the details for the lady who worked with my family and me, she was GOOD for us.
At 6/23/2006 6:23 PM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
I can't believe that your mother is coming to visit so soon after that crazy email where she cut you off. My parents are a cross to bear, but your mother sounds worse. I feel for you. No advice, just empathy. Oh, wait, I do have advice: it's always easier for me to deal with problematic visits by diluting them. Can you invite friends to come meet your parents, i.e. join everyone for dinner?
At 6/23/2006 6:25 PM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
Oh, and if you need an emergency out, I will stage an emergency requiring your assistance with my children ("My friend has to take her husband to the ER, I need to run out and babysit her kids").
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