Oh My God I Broke Their "Baby"!
So my brother and his girlfriend live in walking distance of me now. We all get along beautifully. Really. CG and I never talked it out, she just decided to start over and move on, and I followed her lead. And this is where her lead has taken us. To a place where we get manicures together and share drinks from the same glass. Wild, huh? I've never in my life had a bad relationship turn so much better.
Anyway. They have a dog, who has a wonderful personality. I love the dog, and the dog loves me. Sometimes, Golden Boy asks me to go to their house (they gave me their extra set of keys) when they will be out late and walk the dog. Such was last night.
While we were walking, the pooch stepped on something and quickly limped/hopped away. Of course I noticed instantly, and on the street, I bent down and made her show me her paw. I touched. She pulled away. There was CLEARLY something stuck in her pad. I freaked out.
She wasn't limping anymore, and would walk on it. Wasn't bleeding. I called my brother to tell him (ask what to do) but only got his voicemail. I tried to look at her paw once I got her home, but she wouldn't let me. She knew she wasn't doing what I wanted, and ducked her head down, clearly feeling awful (sensitive doggie).
After hanging out with the pooch and feeding her dinner, I left, with a note prominently displayed on the couch where they'd find it, detailing what happened.
The funny thing is, my brother has encouraged me to get a dog. I'm scared to have so much responsibility, and have told Golden Boy of situations I worry about. Like if the dog walks on glass and cuts a pad. "That never happens to our dog." Fitting then, that the one time it happens, it's on my watch.
I called his work this morning to ask how the dog is, and he's not there. Called his cell phone, and left a voicemail. I'm scared that I was supposed to stay with the dog, or take her to an emergency vet clinic and they're furious with me. This is the worst feeling EVER.
Anyway. They have a dog, who has a wonderful personality. I love the dog, and the dog loves me. Sometimes, Golden Boy asks me to go to their house (they gave me their extra set of keys) when they will be out late and walk the dog. Such was last night.
While we were walking, the pooch stepped on something and quickly limped/hopped away. Of course I noticed instantly, and on the street, I bent down and made her show me her paw. I touched. She pulled away. There was CLEARLY something stuck in her pad. I freaked out.
She wasn't limping anymore, and would walk on it. Wasn't bleeding. I called my brother to tell him (ask what to do) but only got his voicemail. I tried to look at her paw once I got her home, but she wouldn't let me. She knew she wasn't doing what I wanted, and ducked her head down, clearly feeling awful (sensitive doggie).
After hanging out with the pooch and feeding her dinner, I left, with a note prominently displayed on the couch where they'd find it, detailing what happened.
The funny thing is, my brother has encouraged me to get a dog. I'm scared to have so much responsibility, and have told Golden Boy of situations I worry about. Like if the dog walks on glass and cuts a pad. "That never happens to our dog." Fitting then, that the one time it happens, it's on my watch.
I called his work this morning to ask how the dog is, and he's not there. Called his cell phone, and left a voicemail. I'm scared that I was supposed to stay with the dog, or take her to an emergency vet clinic and they're furious with me. This is the worst feeling EVER.
At 6/21/2007 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Most likely they don't think it's a big enough deal to drop whatever else is going on to talk about it. She's not limping, not bleeding, otherwise not acting ill, so she probably just got a doggie ankle twist and walked it off by the time she got home. I'm sure they looked themselves to be sure it was okay after they saw the note. No news = good news. Relax.
I think you'd be a wonderful dog owner. Just the fact that you acknowledge that it is a responsibility puts you ahead of a lot of dog owners. :-|
At 6/21/2007 2:28 PM,
Unknown said…
I can't imagine how horrible you feel. I know I'd feel terrible. And I think you'd make a great pet owner.
But how fabulous that you are all getting along! And that you're really good friends to boot!
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