I'm Cringing
I took the advice of everyone's favorite Drunken Housewife and e-mailed my dad tonight. Here's what it says:
It's not as smooth of an e-mail as I'd like to have sent, but it's all I could get out and I have been stressing for MONTHS over the impending Parental Unit visit. I'm almost scared to see what my father writes back.
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to you about this and haven't been in better touch. There are some things that are hard for me to say, and I didn't want to cause you stress, so I have been avoiding talking to you.
The big thing is that I hoped we could try a family therapy session to help us clear the air and work on improving our relationship. I felt sad that you and Mommy didn't agree to me setting up such a session but instead both said "we'll see". Since I have to request time off in advance, including getting three attorneys to approve it, I need time to arrange that. Saying "we'll see" hurt my feelings and left me confused about how much you guys value really having a better relationship. I will be working during the week while you are here. My offer of setting up a family therapy session still stands.
It's not as smooth of an e-mail as I'd like to have sent, but it's all I could get out and I have been stressing for MONTHS over the impending Parental Unit visit. I'm almost scared to see what my father writes back.
At 9/19/2006 10:38 AM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
Brava! Brava!
It takes guts to try to fix things and to confront a situation. I hope your parents can appreciate your wish to improve the relationship. Please try to keep in mind that if your parents don't rise to the occasion, it is not your fault. It's got to be hard for parents to admit they screwed up (my own parents are extremely defensive about their raising of me).
At 9/20/2006 11:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
holy crap! good for you! even if your dad doesn't respond in the way you'd like, you STILL did the best thing you could've by being straightforward and kind. i hope your parents come through with flying colors.
At 9/20/2006 3:06 PM,
Unemployed Nurse Jack said…
You've done what you know in your heart and soul this relationship needs. You stuck it out there and did so quite nicely, I must add. Good for you.
I want so badly for your sake for them to respond the right way for this hurdle to be crossed.
At 9/21/2006 6:56 AM,
M.Amanda said…
Good for you. Hope it goes well.
At 9/22/2006 4:35 PM,
Stephanie said…
Fantastic! I don't see how your e-mail could have been any smoother.
I hope he actually pays attention. I hope he can hear you.
Good job, Zoe.
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