What the Hell Just Happened?
I feel like going to the therapist was a big fat fucking waste last night. I have no clue what exactly we discussed or resolved. I wish somebody had gone with me.
I feel like we went around and around in circles. I hate when people argue me about what people who I know better than they do will do in a given situation. Don't ask me how I think my parents will react if you're going to question my answers.
After telling the therapist that I don't want my mother in the room when I talk with my father, she practically wanted me to promise her that I'd tell my mother that before arriving at her office. Fine.
She went over the things I want to discuss with my father, and I didn't realize until I was on the way home that she'd left out a big one.
My father e-mailed me asking if I want to go to dinner with them after therapy. The answer is no. The thought of sitting in therapy discussing difficult, painful, awkward things, and then having to go sit across from a table and eat food with him does not appeal to me. Especially since my mother is one of those slow eaters. You know the type - everyone else has finished but is forced to sit around for at least another 45 minutes waiting for her to finish. It drives me nuts. I told him it would be too late at night for me and I'd need to be getting home.
So he offered to drive me home from therapy. How do you say, "Look. I really don't want to spend any time with your wife. At all. For a variety of reasons, some of which you can guess and some of which would hurt you to hear even though you'd know they're true. And since you guys are joined at the hip, that means I don't want to spend much time with you. Nothing personal." to your father, who keeps trying to reach out?
Really not looking forward to this visit at all. I wish I drank. Or smoked crack. Something.
I feel like we went around and around in circles. I hate when people argue me about what people who I know better than they do will do in a given situation. Don't ask me how I think my parents will react if you're going to question my answers.
After telling the therapist that I don't want my mother in the room when I talk with my father, she practically wanted me to promise her that I'd tell my mother that before arriving at her office. Fine.
She went over the things I want to discuss with my father, and I didn't realize until I was on the way home that she'd left out a big one.
My father e-mailed me asking if I want to go to dinner with them after therapy. The answer is no. The thought of sitting in therapy discussing difficult, painful, awkward things, and then having to go sit across from a table and eat food with him does not appeal to me. Especially since my mother is one of those slow eaters. You know the type - everyone else has finished but is forced to sit around for at least another 45 minutes waiting for her to finish. It drives me nuts. I told him it would be too late at night for me and I'd need to be getting home.
So he offered to drive me home from therapy. How do you say, "Look. I really don't want to spend any time with your wife. At all. For a variety of reasons, some of which you can guess and some of which would hurt you to hear even though you'd know they're true. And since you guys are joined at the hip, that means I don't want to spend much time with you. Nothing personal." to your father, who keeps trying to reach out?
Really not looking forward to this visit at all. I wish I drank. Or smoked crack. Something.
At 10/04/2006 12:37 PM,
M.Amanda said…
I wish I had something more helpful to tell you than "I hope it works out."
At 10/05/2006 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok, maybe this isn't the therapist for you? do you think you're mad at her b/c you're anxious, or is she really that bad? if she is, could you try to find someone else asap? i have a couple of recs (assuming this isn't one of them!).
it sounds like your dad's making an effort to find ways to connect with you in a loving way after therapy, which he (probably correctly) guesses will be intense and difficult. he's trying to build in a way for you to spend time together, so therapy isn't the only place you see each other. how about, "dad, thanks for the offers. i love you and want to spend time with you. i want to go home by myself right after therapy, though, because i'll need time to think about what everyone said right afterwards. what if we went out for lunch together on my lunch hour the next day?"
if you need to make it clearer, you'll have to be compassionate but very blunt: "dear dad, i love you and know this isn't what you want to hear. but right now i feel very angry with mom/confused/whatever, and i can't be sure that i'll be able to spend social time with her and hold myself together. i'd like to spend time with you, but i realize that puts you in a tough position. i'm really glad you both agreed to coming to therapy, and i hope it'll help a lot; but until then, i'm nervous about making plans that involve being with mom. let me know what you think."
At 10/06/2006 10:40 AM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
I think you need a new therapist.
I used to do couples therapy, and the After Joint Therapy time was extremely painful. Once I got out of the car at a red light because I just couldn't be in the company of my beloved one moment longer, I was so wound up and upset and emotional. I think you are being smart to realize this ahead of time.
I do love having alcohol to ease me through painful family interactions. Incidentally, don't take this the wrong way, but my physician gave me a 'scrip for Ativan when I was going on a painful, stressful visit to my inlaws. If you want to see an intelligent physician to discuss this, I'll give you a referral to my doctor (one office on J Church line, one office on 5 Fulton line).
At 10/06/2006 3:38 PM,
Zoe said…
Karen_S and DH, I don't know whether or not I agree that I need a new therapist. I have such a hard time trusting ANY therapist because of my history that I know I can't be objective. However, this is the free therapist through EAP at work, so it's no more than 5 visits every six months. I know we won't exceed those.
It *is* weird though in my eyes, that she won't be my bad guy, and that she is against talking.
Ultimately, it comes down to time, and I simply don't have enough. I don't have enough time with my parents while they're here, I don't have time to go finding a new therapist (because who's to say that person will be better than this person), I don't have time to go giving a new therapist all the background the old therapist has, and I don't have time to sweettalk a new therapist into seeing me with my parents two days in a row on the exact days my parents are available.
So I feel stuck. Damn, I wish I did drugs.
At 10/06/2006 10:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
I could pack you a bowl to smoke after therapy... you know, if you were inot htat sort of thing. I'd totally share.
That way, you could just say "'Mom'sEmailAddress', I really just want to smoke some weed right now, so why don't you and Dad just take off? I think I just need to HANG OUT, or something."
That would go over reeeeealllllyyyyy well. ;)
At 10/07/2006 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh hey, i wasn't saying i'm convinced you need a new therapist... just maybe. she *might* be blunt and honest and great in the end, just not that touchy-feely. i really hope she works out.
At 10/08/2006 8:07 AM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
I totally get that lack of time thing. Okay, so this is the therapist who has the history & who will do the family therapy visits, and that is who you have to work with. Better than nothing, certainly.
This may be a good time to clarify your goals. What do you hope to achieve here?
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