Crushing Sadness
I hate these days where it's a struggle not to cry at work. Also, I think I have way too many of them. My laptop is dead. Since Friday afternoon I've been trying to meet up with some guy who can hopefully revive my dead laptop.
Had it not been my birthday yesterday this weekend would have been like the ones I usually had in Florida. Leave work Friday afternoon and don't speak out loud until getting back to work on Monday morning. I think because I live by myself (if I see my roommate once a week that's a lot, and we literally just see each other and say hi and that's it) being able to connect to the internet makes a huge difference.
On Saturday I thought about going to see a movie since I couldn't use my computer (to return emails, to look up addresses to send out regular mail, to pay bills, etc.) but then realized I couldn't look up movie times. I couldn't go exploring anyplace since I couldn't Mapquest directions.
I've been in an awful mood lately. My friend took me to dinner yesterday and it was so VERY sweet of her, and even then, I was struggling not to appear miserable.
So when I read about people who are broken-hearted due to being in love with two men and having to choose between their husband or The Other Guy, it kind of bums me out. Okay, it does more than bum me out. It fucking burns.
And of course, the time change is coming soon, to add to my overwhelming joy. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Seriously, I feel like if I never contacted people, I'd never see anyone except for one person. And honestly, that makes me doubt the people who say they're my friends. You know that circus trick where you balance a plate on top of a stick, and you have to keep hitting the plate so it will continue to balance and twirl? If I don't keept attending to the plate, I will have no friends balancing on that stick at all.
I hate my life. What's worse is that I hate myself.
Had it not been my birthday yesterday this weekend would have been like the ones I usually had in Florida. Leave work Friday afternoon and don't speak out loud until getting back to work on Monday morning. I think because I live by myself (if I see my roommate once a week that's a lot, and we literally just see each other and say hi and that's it) being able to connect to the internet makes a huge difference.
On Saturday I thought about going to see a movie since I couldn't use my computer (to return emails, to look up addresses to send out regular mail, to pay bills, etc.) but then realized I couldn't look up movie times. I couldn't go exploring anyplace since I couldn't Mapquest directions.
I've been in an awful mood lately. My friend took me to dinner yesterday and it was so VERY sweet of her, and even then, I was struggling not to appear miserable.
So when I read about people who are broken-hearted due to being in love with two men and having to choose between their husband or The Other Guy, it kind of bums me out. Okay, it does more than bum me out. It fucking burns.
And of course, the time change is coming soon, to add to my overwhelming joy. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Seriously, I feel like if I never contacted people, I'd never see anyone except for one person. And honestly, that makes me doubt the people who say they're my friends. You know that circus trick where you balance a plate on top of a stick, and you have to keep hitting the plate so it will continue to balance and twirl? If I don't keept attending to the plate, I will have no friends balancing on that stick at all.
I hate my life. What's worse is that I hate myself.
At 10/23/2006 5:19 PM,
Stephanie said…
Oh, honey. I'm so, so sorry.
I know exactly what you mean by "crushing sadness." And crushing loneliness, too.
I wish I could have come and played with you on this birthday weekend.
At 10/23/2006 5:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm sorry. i really am. this has been a really crappy time for you. i am looking forward to giving you a big hug soon.
At 10/24/2006 8:15 AM,
M.Amanda said…
Ah, sorry you feel bad. Wish your birthday could have been happier.
In your search for a new place, if you haven't already found one, do whatever you can to get an apartment that allows pets. Dogs are wonderful for that stuff. Their love is truly unconditional.
At 10/24/2006 11:19 AM,
Zoe said…
Sparkling I am *SO* with you on the pet thing. I'm only looking at apartments that allow dogs.
At 10/24/2006 6:11 PM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
I started typing "oh, honey, I'm so sorry", and then I realized Ms. Crazy wrote those same words. Anyhow, i feel the same sentiment.
Come over for some kitten therapy (I have four foster kittens, lovely little fuzzballs). I'm not a great friend bec. I'm so wrapped up in my nuclear family's hectic daytime life (child A goes to school here & has to go to soccer there & playdate here, plus Child B has preschool & birthday party and blahblahblah, will I ever get a life of my own again) plus my health always seems to suck, so I don't have much extra energy. I like you, though. So you should count me as a friend, albeit a lame one. I hate to be a plate that is always needing a nudge, but that's a bad metaphor.
At 10/25/2006 3:52 AM,
Unemployed Nurse Jack said…
Even though I can't hang out with you long distance, I care about you and it makes me sad when you're sad.
At 10/25/2006 6:57 AM,
Michael said…
I've discovered that a lot of friends are just like that -- you gotta stay on their case to stay in touch. It's not personal, though. People just caught up in their own crap. Try not to feel bad, and happy belated birthday.
At 10/25/2006 8:04 AM,
the Drunken Housewife said…
Oops, I meant to say "not a bad metaphor." It's accurate enough in my case. I'm so wrapped up in the daily goings on of my small children, six pets, and foster kittens, that sometimes i don't make the time to connect. I want to spend more time with girlfriends, but it's hard to make that time and effort with little kids in the picture.
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