There are two reasons I had stopped blogging here. One was that, with my old craptop, I had a very limited amount of time to use it before it would shut off,
and I thought paying bills was more important than blogging here. The other reason is that I lost the piece of paper that had my username and password
written down. Lame, I know.
But I have a new laptop now and have transferred my log-in info to a place it won't get lost. And I've got a lot to say.
Relations with Crazy Girl are good. They moved back to SF about half a year ago, and just bought a house. I still don't know how to get there or leave
there and get home, but my brother's said he'll come pick me up at the train station some day to walk with me, so I get it.
I no longer feel like Crazy Girl is cruel to the dog. Sometimes she does things with her I wouldn't do, but I don't think they're cruel things. CG and I have
gotten together sans Golden Boy and it's gone well. Honestly, I think I'm just not able to force myself to be traditional and that threw her off initially.
They got engaged over the summer. I dogsat while they were on their weekend trip popping the question and when my brother called to say he'd done it, she'd
said yes, I got them balloons and a card and put them in their house as a surprise.
Last week I went to Thanksgiving at their new house. CG cooked the best turkey I've ever eaten in my entire life. CG was a bit nervous about her divorced
parents with their significant others, all being in the same place for the first time. She got drunk towards the end of the night, and turned into the things I
used to hate about her. She wasn't careful and tripped over the dog. She dropped food on the floor and made no move to clean it up, or stop the dog from
eating it. She was loud. She whined. She was out of control.
My brother and I were cleaning up, and he kept asking her to please go sit down - one Thanksgiving when she got drunk, she tripped and slammed her face into
their kitchen island in LA - he didn't want her to get hurt. Then she kept telling my brother to leave the food, the dishes. We're not made like that.
After having a party, you clean up - you stay awake as long as it takes, late into the night, to clean everything up. Plus, who wants to attract bugs? Then
she was worried he was angry at her. I could tell he was, but he kept insisting he wasn't, he just didn't want her to hurt herself.
It was awkward for those of us watching. It was also awkward at the end of the night when a guest asked if he could smoke some weed, and my brother said,
"Sure, on the balcony." And CG said the guy could smoke in the living room, and then they argued about it. The guy went out on the balcony. CG smoked too.
The day after Thanksgiving, I was very sick, so sick I couldn't even leave the house to get myself sick tools, like popsicles and tissues. On their way home
from a sushi dinner, my brother and CG brought me both, and some chicken soup.
I am still their official dog-sitter. I am embarrassed by how much I love their dog, and how happy it makes me to be around a dog. But as far as I know, on the
GB/CG front, things are good.
Nothing like a little foreshadowing, so I'll just say, "I wish I could say the same about my relationship with my parents." Heh.
Labels: CG, Golden Boy